Keynote speech


16、Introduction of activity of “Japan Wildlife Conservation Society”



Japan Wildlife Conservation Society


JWCS started work in 1990 around a core group of researchers. Since 1994 we have been the only Japanese domestic NGO participating in CITES on the matter of wildlife conservation. We have also participated in CBD since 2010.
[CITES workshop]
- In Japan, the popularity of slow loris (Nycticebus coucang)as a pet is very high whereas these spp. are under CITES appendix I. We conducted workshops several times on administrative organizations and the zoo colleges to raise awareness of identification of slow loris species. In addition, in general, the symposium was held taking up the problems of wild animal pet products.
[CBD Project]
- We translate news from foreign countries regarding the activity of the Aichi target 12 on our website, with the cooperation of volunteer staff.