Keynote speech


18、“Learning at a zoo, education and enjoyment with commentary signs”


Makoto IZAKI

PREC Institute Inc


In this presentation, we introduce “learning at the zoo” as an example of a commentary sign that serves as an educational tool at the zoo. What is important in “learning at the zoo” is to attract and deepen interest and raise the level of enjoyment.
So, when designing commentary signs, from the point of view of the former, signs are created in a fun and friendly image-building manner for simple and easy understanding even for children by using keywords that focus on observation of an animal. Further, by emphasizing illustrations, this eliminates complications in multi-language notations and also contributes to universal design.
From the point of view of the latter, one example is the artwork and finish of the signs as if a picture book. Another aspect is that the signs function as a learning tool for other facilities in the zoo. Thus, it changes the depth of commentary signs to suit the situation of each zoo.
Further, by adjusting carefully with use of an interpreter who actually uses the signs when determining expressions and content of the signs, the overall educational effect is improved.