Keynote speech


22、Communicating biodiversity with a cloth bag picture theater museum





In order to convey the significance of a sustainable society and biological diversity, I think interpretation for children is essential. Our society has developed an original method of “Cloth bag picture theatre museum”! We have continued to perform educational activities mainly in Kitakyushu city. This approach is composed of a hands-on element such as cloth painting, biological transformation costume and narration about nature. This is a comprehensive activity between interpreters and children. Because it is packaged in a bag, a moving museum can be deployed at any place and at any time. Children can experience workshops such as observation of tidal flats. Furthermore they can enjoy deeper observation on tidal flats. In addition, the effect of materials, such as the practice of workshops on migratory birds in China and South Korea, utilizing universal designs that can create empathy beyond language barriers is also large.