Keynote speech


11、Zoology as a curator course in the Faculty of Fine Arts



Omuta city zoo


There are six zoos and aquariums in Fukuoka Prefecture. Kyushu Sangyo University with a Faculty of Fine Arts offers a training course program for curators at universities. The training course program for curators at universities was reviewed and a new subject “Theory of conservation for cultural properties in museums” was added in 2012.
Here, we explain our “zoo laboratory” as a new subject and report a summary.
As “preservation of species” as most important, we also consider museology and zoo science as having similar purposes, “education,” “recreation,” and “research.”  Preservation of species, learning about breeding, individual conservation, population conservation, environmental preservation, genetic preservation, is a seed storage. By learning about this course, we learn the significance of seed saving and actual conditions of a zoo. As a result, students who trained at a zoo, aiming to become a zoo curator are also increasing.